Alexandre Nihil EmeritusHead of Satanic Church
He/Him - AMABSaxophonist
92Music enthusiast
NephilimTends to daydream
ItalianFrequently attempts to be charming
Pansexual - DemiromanticSelfish
Lawful EvilFlirtatious

Being the head of a Satanic Church is no easy task - Nihil knows that very well. Despite his old age, his soul is young, and he tends to get tired with his work. He places a lot of pressure on his sons, especially the youngest - Copia. He loves to cool off by playing his saxophone and watching horror movies on the toilet.

Born to a small Italian family, Nihil was destined for greatness. From a young age, he was known to be wild and disobedient - the kind of person to live only by his own rules, and often without considering others' feelings. Wherever he went, he left behind a wake of broken hearts and fake friendships. Even after moving to the United States, he continued such a lifestyle well into his 30s.On one fateful night, he was brought to a grand private party at end of town by his a close friend of his. Despite Nihil's unease upon approaching the celebration, they entered regardless.Upon entering, Nihil would find himself in a whole new world of excitement - adultery, drug paraphernalia, ritualistic cannibalism - all brought together by a mysterious organization, represented by the very present Satanic imagery throughout the party.A particular woman infatuated Nihil to an extent which he had never known - luckily for him, she seemed to fancy him as well. The two of them hit it off, and by the end of the night, went so far as to arrange their marriage.
What Nihil didn't know, however, was that such an agreement would change the trajectory of life entirely.
Nihil's arrival was planned. The cult that had arranged the party was awaiting the arrival of their new leader - a man who was unaware of this side of his bloodline, due to his father separating from the cult before his birth.His new wife, Sister Imperator, offered him this position of power.
As expected of Nihil, he accepted it instantly.
His commandeering personality made it easy for him to run the church - though he found himself wishing for a bigger following. In due time, Nihil approached the Clergy with the idea of a raunchy rock-and-roll band to bring in a young audience. After some consideration, they allowed him to do so, birthing Project Ghost.With the release of Seven Inches of Satanic Panic, the band's popularity skyrocketed - soon enough, they were performing for sold-out venues all over the country.
During this, Imperator discovered she was pregnant with Nihil's child. Being that Nihil was the official vessel of Satan, and Imperator was his spiritually bound bride, that would make this child the long-awaited Antichrist.
She kept the pregnancy a secret, wishing to tell Nihil the wonderful news herself - however, upon visiting Ghost's latest performance, she would witness Nihil with another woman. Unfortunately for her, this was not the first time Nihil had slept around - he had already fathered three other children, all of whom lived within the ministry. Learning this, Imperator divorced him, and continued managing the Ministry without announcing their child.Nihil fell into despair, hiding Project Ghost away for the foreseeable future...
(Until his eldest son would revive the band out of his own love of music.)
And then, 50 years after having last seen her, Imperator spoke to him, and insisted that Cardinal Copia - a diligent man, who had been endlessly faithful and hardworking for several decades - should be the next leader of the church.
Nihil paid him no mind.
Though he had to wonder why he shared his genetic trait of a single white iris.

Dante Primo EmeritusVegan food blogger
They/Him - AFABGardener
NephilimMarijuana Connoisseur
Asexual - AromanticYouthful
Chaotic GoodNonchalant

Primo is very unlike the rest of his family - they love all things old web. They keep to themselves most of the time, but tend to be the most trustworthy and sociable of the Emeritus brothers. When Primo isn't online, he's in the garden or the library, drinking herbal tea and listening to Sabaton or Iron Maiden. He puts on a facade of a lascivious old man while performing mass, but in reality, they couldn't care less about sex.

Being the firstborn child of the leader of the Satanic church is no easy task; a lot was asked of Primo since the day he turned 10 - had he been born male, that is.When Primo was delivered as a healthy baby girl, his father, Nihil, was rather unhappy. Women weren't fit for the title of Papa Emeritus, after all. Despite their church's otherwise gender-neutral policies, Papacy was strictly a male-only role.Despite being a girl, Primo was still well loved by his father. All was well and normal up until his younger brother Secondo was born - and only three months later, the third brother, Terzo, arrived. Suddenly, Primo was also tasked with babysitting duties.Having to mature quickly, Primo had a very tumultuous teenage life. Like many people born in the 50s, Primo was swept up in the rock n roll craze, and he soon followed suit with metal.New music came with new experiences, and by the time he turned 30, Primo realized something was quite different about himself. Talking it through with his loved ones, Primo at last stepped up as the eldest son he felt himself to be all along, and gained the title of Papa Emeritus l, a self made man in many ways.By the early 2000s, Primo was out and about online, as well. He spent much of his time on online chat forums and MySpace, and especially perusing obscure metal forums. Such habits eventually lead to him rebranding his father's 1960s rock band, Ghost, and writing music himself to release to the world.After stepping down from his position as both Papa and frontman for Ghost, he focused more on his personal hobbies and became a vegan food / gardening influencer online. He has amassed millions of followers, yet none of them seem to know of his Satanic Metal background.

Antonio Secondo EmeritusClub owner
He/Him - AMABArchivist
Italian, PolishCold
Pansexual - DemiromanticLogical
Neutral Evilhard-shelled

Despite being popular in bed, Secondo is quite lonely. His cold demeanor and sour attitude are alluring, but not the kind of traits people tend to look for in a life partner. Mornings after waking up next to his most recent lay, he feels only empty inside. Secondo almost always seen entirely alone, if not joined by one of his Ghouls, who he treats more like a robots than people.

Due to being the first biological son born to Papa Emeritus Nihil, the figurehead of the Satanic Church, Secondo was quickly appointed as the favorite child. You would assume being the favorite of a highly rich and powerful man is a good thing, but for Secondo, it was anything but.A lot of pressure was put on Secondo very early into his life. From the moment he turned 10 years old, he began his Satanic priesthood training.To ease the stress of living up to his father's expectations, Secondo would often attend clubs and hardcore parties, spending a lot of time getting wasted and having many very irresponsible one night stands with men and women alike.As he entered his 20s, an unexpected event occurred. Primo, the eldest of Nihil's children, had discovered himself as a trans man - thus, Secondo was no longer technically the eldest son.Rather suddenly, all of Secondo's responsibilities were taken away and placed upon Primo instead - despite this, Secondo still felt a deep need to work himself to exhaustion. The pressure he put on himself, alongside his newly receding hairline, had him backed against a wall.Secondo spent much of his middle-aged years cooped up in his office, working away in the Ministry's archives in the day, and drinking himself to sleep at night.On one quiet summer, Secondo felt particularly down - he hadn't left his office for a whole week. Worried for his brother's health, Primo visited him with a care package and words of advice.The day after, Secondo emerged a changed man. It seemed that whatever it was that Primo had told him, it convinced Secondo to turn over a new leaf and find an outlet for energy he was putting into the ridiculous responsibilities he was still trying to fulfill.Secondo ended up shaving his head and began working out daily, which gave him a beautifully muscular build, up until Primo retired from Papacy, and Secondo finally took on the title he was raised to hold.(After being forcefully retired only a few years in, Secondo spent a year and a half away from the Church, and started up a now world-famous night club in Los Angeles; Club Pinnacle)

Lorenzo Terzo EmeritusSongwriter
He/Him - AMABPoet
Italian, French, VietnameseGreat skincare routine
Omnisexual - demiromanticDeceptive
Chaotic EvilPetty

The definition of vanity. On stage, he flaunts himself and his Ghouls, displaying the most intimate and caring persona - but the moment he's offstage, he turns into a terrible diva. His pride is unmatched - as are his revenge plots. Don't cross Terzo - you will surely regret it.

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